
  • Example Of Software Architecture
    카테고리 없음 2021. 5. 29. 19:53

    This course is about software architecture and design patterns. We will talk about two man topics: SOLID principles and design patterns. We are going to implement the problems in Java, but the theoretical background is language-independent. I highly recommend typing out the implementations several times on your own in order to get a good grasp of it.

    System architecture is the structural design of systems. Systems are a class of software that provide foundational services and automation. The following are illustrative examples of system architecture. Based on the most successful example resumes, Software Architects usually hold a Bachelor's Degree in software engineering or information technology. For more information on what it takes to be a Software Architect, check out our complete Software Architect Job Description.

    Section 1:

    • what are SOLID principles

    • single responsibility principle

    • open closed principle

    • Liskov's substitution principle

    • interface segregation principle

    • dependency inversion principle

    Section 2:

    Example Of Software Architecture
    • what are behavioral design patterns

    • strategy pattern

    • observer pattern

    • command pattern

    • iterator pattern

    • template pattern and null object pattern

    • visitor pattern

    Section 3:

    • what are creational design pattern

    • singleton pattern

    • factory pattern

    • builder pattern

    Section 4:

    • what is structural design pattern

    • decorator pattern

    • facade pattern

    • adapter pattern

    Section 5:

    • the model-view-controller (MVC) model

    • application in Java with MVC

    In the first part of the course we are going to learn about the SOLID principles. We are going to talk about the theory as well as the implementations.

    The second part of the course is about design patterns. We should have a deep understanding of these patterns in order to be able to write reusable software components. These techniques are becoming more and more important as applications are getting more and more complex, so - in my opinion - these topics are good to know.

    Thank for joining the course, let's get started!

    • This course is meant for newbies who are familiar with Java and want to be able to write reusable code
    Enterprise architecture examples are great not only for employers to evaluate business and organizational performance but also for employees to better communicate with teammates. Here are some practical enterprise architecture examples for your reference.

    This page offers you 7 enterprise architecture diagram examples that you can take a look for a better understanding of enterprise architecture framework. All examples are created with Edraw enterprise architecture diagram software. You can find more examples in the program and reuse the examples to build your own ones.

    Enterprise Architecture Example - Single Sign on (SSO)

    This example is for the uniform access and the process of SSO (Single sign on). SSO is a type of access control of several software systems. Single versions of SSO can be got via IP networking. Users can access the whole system by a single ID. SSO also has a close relationship with business models that including several key factors.

    Enterprise Architecture Example - Web and EJB Operations

    The following enterprise architecture example shows the general operation process of Web and EJB elements. A series of management tools may be involved such as Log and Notice management. Web elements are based on database resources, and Notice Management is close to multiple database sets.

    Example Of Software Architecture Diagram

    Enterprise Architecture Example - Business Development (BD) Model

    This example lets you know a general framework of a business model and its key factors. The relationships among the model, factors and involved roles are shown in the diagram. Normally, managers should consider market trend, regulation policies and partners to participate in such model.

    Enterprise Architecture Example - Cloud Cube Process

    Here is another enterprise architecture diagram example showing how different agencies and parties cooperate with products or service. Normally publishers set out different production plans based on consumer needs. For the following steps, developers generate types according to these plans in a cloud database. Finally, all done products will be forwarded to users.

    Software Architecture Diagram

    Example Of Software Architecture

    Enterprise Architecture Example - Project Management (PM) Process

    Below the example gives you a general structure of different channels for taking a project management. General factors and elements include business plans, team members, IT development, database security and analysis.

    Enterprise Architecture Example - Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)

    This diagram shows four general steps to achieve a SOA project. Step one is mainly about analyzing and structure important projects. The second step is about to promote and manage services or products. Next managers should think about SOA automation. The final step focuses on quantitative data management and service improvement.

    Enterprise Architecture Example - Product Optimization

    From the following enterprise architecture, you will learn how to identify, optimize production resources and decrease cost during the overall development process. At the final stage, some improvement cost or internal cost may be generated due to low productivity and waste of project packages.

    How to Create an Enterprise Architecture Diagram?

    The software provides you with rich editable architecture symbols, templates, and the easy drag-and-drop user interface. Feel free to change task background and connecting shapes with the help of the preset auto-create tools. Once finished you can review in full screen, or export to different formats including PDF, Html, PPT, SVG and Word.

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